CouInjector Features:

-Special and safety load library injection
-Software Updater (Automatic)
-Open Source (Github)

Current Version: 2.7 (04.07.2023)

Status: Discontinued ()


Why people choose us


CouInjector is updated regularly. If there are ever any uncertainties with the Injector, it will be directly updated and offered to you.


CouInjector provides a injection security, which has already been undetected since June 2020 and continues to expand. It is a special LoadLibrary procedure and therefore also compatible with every CS:GO cheat.

For Free   

CouInjector is a free cheat injector for CS:GO. The project is financed from CouLoader, as this injector consists of components of the Custom Injector in CouLoader.

Downloads of CouInjector

CouInjector AllStats, that is the old MadInjector and the whole project over the period from the beginning of this project 2021 in June has recorded so many downloads in total:

Latest Changelogs

The latest changelogs from CouInjector: